
This page hosts a wealth of info you can draw from as you explore the intersection of race and the Gospel. We are constantly updating this page to keep it relevant. You’ll find everything from podcasts and explainer videos, to devotionals and sermons. There’s something for everyone. We also don’t just stick to Christian publications. We pull from a diverse range of outlets and try to include as many voices in the conversation as possible, always working toward a productive and loving discourse. Want to contribute? Head over to the Contact Us page.

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Jennifer L. Eberhardt: How racial bias works — and how to disrupt it | TED Talk

Jennifer L. Eberhardt: How racial bias works — and how to disrupt it | TED Talk

Our brains create categories to make sense of the world, recognize patterns and make quick decisions. But this ability to categorize also exacts a heavy toll in the form of unconscious bias. In this powerful talk, psychologist Jennifer L. Eberhardt explores how our biases unfairly target Black people at all levels of society — from schools and social media to policing and criminal justice — and discusses how creating points of friction can help us actively interrupt and address this troubling problem.

Michelle Alexander — Who We Want to Become: Beyond the New Jim Crow from On Being with Krista Tippett on RadioPublic

Michelle Alexander — Who We Want to Become: Beyond the New Jim Crow from On Being with Krista Tippett on RadioPublic

The civil rights lawyer Michelle Alexander is one of the people who is waking us up to history we don’t remember, and structures most of us can’t fathom intending to create. She calls the punitive culture that has emerged the “new Jim Crow,” and is making it visible in the name of a fierce hope and belief in our collective capacity to engender the transformation to which this moment is calling.

What if we ended the injustice of bail?

What if we ended the injustice of bail?

On any given night, more than 450,000 people in the United States are locked up in jail simply because they don’t have enough money to pay bail. The sums in question are often around $500: easy for some to pay, impossible for others. This has real human consequences — people lose jobs, homes and lives, and it drives racial disparities in the legal system. Robin Steinberg has a bold idea to change this. In this powerful talk, she outlines the plan for The Bail Project — an unprecedented national revolving bail fund to fight mass incarceration. (This ambitious idea is part of the Audacious Project, TED’s initiative to inspire and fund global change.)