is an initiative to educate people about the intersection of race and the Gospel and mobilize them to cultivate racial justice and equity in their communities.
We are driven by the doctrine of “Imago Dei,” that all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God. In the face of racial unrest and division, we seek to remind our city and our world of this beautiful truth surrounding our Black brothers and sisters.
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.Gen 1:26-27
Our mission is two-fold.
1. Inform the reader through the Resources we compile.
2. Mobilize the reader through the Get Involved Page.
#BlackLivesSacred is:
#BlackLivesSacred is not:
This consortium of organizations have a common vision to commit attention, prayer, and financial resources towards the goal of making #BlackLivesSacred a reality in our own hearts and in others. We welcome old and new friends alike that wish to join this movement! Please reach out to us here.

Since 1908, an organization of Christian business executives and civic leaders have sought to examine and promote the moral and religious welfare of the city. Our key values are Freedom to live out our faith fully in all areas of our life, Civility in respecting and collaborating with those whose views differ from our own, and Action that we will constructively bring out the flourishing of Chicago and beyond.

Renew Chicago exists to inspire, educate, and mobilize our community to build the goodness and greatness of the city. We believe God compels us to raise both volunteers and funding for our on-the-ground partner ministries, and to elevate the Gospel into the conversation of critical issues important to Chicago.

Church of the Holy Comforter is a vibrant community of faith bringing God and the people of God together to know and live the Good News of God in Jesus Christ. Located in Kenilworth, Holy Comforter is a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, rooted in the Anglican tradition. Enriched by our worship, strengthened by our formation, stimulated by our outreach, and enlivened by our friendships, we are a community called to serve Christ in all people and in all places.